Groundbreaking of AGREXIM building (Ngo Thi Nham, Hanoi)

On the afternoon of May 11, 2017, Delta held the groundbreaking ceremony: AGREXIM Trade and Service Center at 63 – 65 Ngo Thi Nham – Hanoi, owned by Agrexim Agro Commune

The project has the scale of 3 basements and 7 floors, area of 600 m2. Contract scope: Construction of bored piles, diaphragm wall, barret pile and basement reinforced concrete structure, reinforced concrete structure. Completion schedule: 360 days from the date of signing.

This is a building in the city, the construction area is not large but the construction conditions are complicated. Contiguous to the project is the residential area with row 4 level has deteriorated, it is very difficult to cooperate assessment, assessment, insurance … The project management team at the project should carefully calculate the construction plan Achieving optimum efficiency and minimizing impacts on nearby residential areas.

Perspective of trade center services and offices Agrexim (Ngo Thi Nham, Hanoi)

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